It clumps 100% naturally without being activated with soda.

Traps the Odor

Does not stick to paws

Provides Economic Consumption

Keeps Container Dry and Clean

It is so dust-free that it prevents dust-related respiratory diseases by providing cleaner ventilation inside the box.

It naturally eliminates ammonia odor thanks to the unique properties of Sodium Bentonite.


One fifth of the world's bentonite reserves are in Turkey. We obtain sodium bentonite from our own mines and export it. We are in the region where the highest quality Sodium Bentonite is extracted in Turkey. We are in Tokat city. Our product is 100% Natural Sodium Bentonite. The product is naturally clumping and does not contain soda. Absolutely does not collect dust. We use 1240 kg big bag.

Private  Label  You  Dream,  We  Produce

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